Tina's Story

An International Business Student sharing her EuroDev story.


Internship Profile

Internship: HR
Department: HR Outsourcing
Period: September 2023 - January 2024

On a professional level I got insights into the HR field. Due to my diverse tasks I had during the internship, I had the opportunity to explore various fields within HR such as recruitment, terminations or administrative tasks. On a personal level I learned to more open-minded to opinion that are not my own. 

My biggest challenge was the workload that could be quite overwhelming - especially towards the beginning of the internship. But I was able to tackle it due to organized, shared To-Do lists on the Microsoft tasks board and the help of the amazing and supportive colleagues who were always available for my questions. 

The best part of the internship was meeting new people. In our group of interns we became really close friends, which I am very grateful for. Also with the other colleagues, I was able to form friendships. We always had fun at the office and I will always remember the fun friday nights we had, playing foosball and ping pong after work. Coming to EuroDev in the mornings never felt like a hardship, even when I knew it would be a busy day, because I knew I would have great people surrounding me. 

I think what I will remember the most are the friends I made and the valuable professional experiences I was able to learn. My knowledge in the HR field will help me in my future career path, as will the network I was able to establish during my time at EuroDev. 

Intern day out in Amsterdam


Are you interested to join our team as in intern? We are hiring now, so please get in touch! Send an email with your application to hr@eurodev.com.


Petra Vujanic

Talent Acquisition Consultant

Apply today