Leveraging the European Hospitality Industry for Retail Success

Last updated: 24 May 2024


Resorts, hotels, wineries, fine dining, and several tourist areas have written the book on super customer experience, a strategy retailers are closely engulfing. Given that the retail industry is constantly seeking innovative strategies that drive sales, enhance customer experiences, and help them stay ahead of the competition it is time to embrace their long-awaited relationship with the hospitality. Leveraging the extensive distributor network of the hospitality industry, retail establishments expanding into Europe can unlock new opportunities for growth while targeting a new customer base for their products.

Here is why consumer goods manufacturers and retailers entering the European market should view hospitality as their biggest distributor network;


Access to a Global Customer Audience


The hospitality industry boasts a vast network of hotels, resorts, and accommodations spanning across the globe. Retailers can tap into a diverse and geographically dispersed customer base. According to the European Travel Commission, Europe saw a rise in international tourist arrivals in 2023 compared to the previous years, maintaining its status as the region with the highest number of international tourist arrivals globally. Luxury fashion brands like Gucci have strategically positioned their stores in European cities such as Paris and London, to capitalize on the influx of affluent travelers seeking high-end shopping experiences.


Elevating the shopping experience


The hospitality industry is well known for its emphasis on customer service and personalized experiences. Aligning with the hospitality sector can ensure your product is at the forefront of the customers hence elevating the shopping experience. According to a survey by Deloitte, 88% of consumers believe that personalized experiences make shopping more enjoyable. One of the biggest examples is IKEA’s partnership with boutique hotels in Stockholm and Copenhagen allows hotel guests to experience the brand furniture and home décor firsthand, fostering a connection with the products while driving sales.


Retail in Europe


Amplifying Brand Exposures


A partnership with hotels and resorts opens up cross-promotional opportunities for retail brands. From co-branded marketing campaigns to joint loyalty programs, collaborations between retail and hospitality entities can amplify brand exposure and attract new customers. To be successful in the European market, retail manufacturers need to pave new ways to collaborate and upscale with European hotels. This will not only increase brand visibility among affluent guests but also drive product sales.


Mitigate Market Risks


For companies that are new in the European market, this can be a great stepping stone to grow your business. With the increased volatile retail landscape, diversification of revenue streams is essential for long-term sustainability. Expanding into the hospitality sector, retail manufacturers can diversify their income sources, mitigate risks, and understand the spending patterns of market trends of different customers. Companies like Zara, have partnered with hotels to offer exclusive in-room shopping experiences, generating additional revenue streams, and enhancing guest satisfaction.


Bonus Read: Retail Technology Trends in EU


Staying Ahead of the Curve.


For both the retail industry and hospitality, innovation is at the core of the business. By embracing partnerships and using hospitality as a distributor, retail manufacturers can differentiate themselves from competitors and pioneer new ways of engaging with customers. Hotels are continuously innovating with retail by improving pop-up shops in the hotel spaces, installing art pieces within the hotel spaces, and creating unique shopping environments that blur the lines between retail and hospitality.

Entering the European market can be challenging if you are not partnered with good distributors. Hence, a partnership with hotels, restaurants and other hospitality establishments can help your company expand your brand seamlessly into this complex territory. At EuroDev, we ensure that you are aligned with the right distributor network for your European success.

Visit our sales outsourcing page for more insights on growing the European market, and our digital solutions and e-commerce page for insights into the European retail market

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